About the PTA

What Do We Do?

Create Connections

Support Children

Have a Voice

Our PTA creates connections

Your PTA membership can help you build a village to support your child and connect you locally and nationally to a network that supports all children.

Our PTA supports your child

Our PTA/PTSA supports your child with education, health and safety programs.

Our PTA amplifies your voice

PTA amplifies your voice through collective impact. We can do more together than we can apart!

What Can You Do?

There are many opportunities for you to bring your interests and talents to support the PTA.

PTA Initiatives

See all of our events and activities that you can become involved in by either joining a committee or volunteering!

Levels of Involvement

Let us know what you are passionate about and how much time you want to put into it. If the PTA isn't doing something that fits that, we can start it! 😀

Listed from highest to lowest involvement/time commitment.

Diving in as an Officer

The leadership team of Eisenhower's PTA is always interested in taking people on. Officers are elected by PTA members and serve either a 1 or 2-year team. Officers include President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary and Membership.

Swimming as a Committee / Event Chair

Contact the leadership team to obtain our organizational list of who's chairing what.  If you see an event that sounds interesting, let the President know and he will get you any available information and you can make it your own. More importantly, if you have ideas for other events that you would like to see happen, let us know!

Wading as a Vice-chair

We do not believe anyone should be solely responsible for the entirety of an event - it isn't fair or right. Additionally, those people will eventually leave and we would like to make sure the next president has a crop of people taking the lead on projects. This has a lower impact as you will be effectively shadowing people and supporting them, rather than jumping in straightaway.

Tiptoeing in as Volunteer

If you aren't ready to jump into taking a lead role, consider volunteering. Every event relies on volunteers to make things happen and our goal is to make sure that the chairs are reaching out early and often for getting the volunteers they need to make the event a success.

Getting involved in this way is every bit as important as the above opportunities.

Join Today!

Join the PTA
Purchase one of our membership options:

Family PTA Membership

Single PTA Membership

You will be contacted shortly after purchase by the PTA President from president@tosaikepta.org.


You do not need to pay the membership fee to participate as a volunteer, but in order to vote on important PTA issues, you must have a paid membership in good standing.


POP QUIZ! True or False?

PTA membership is only for moms.

False! PTA is for everyone!

Parents, guardians, students, teachers, grandparents, administrators, school board members, aunts, uncles, community members etc.

Joining PTA requires you to volunteer.

False! If you want to volunteer, that’s great, but your support as a member is enough.

You must have a child at the school in order to join that PTA.

False! PTA membership is open, without discrimination, to anyone who believes in and supports the mission, purposes and principles of PTA.

I do not need to join PTA now that my child is in high school.

False! Students who attend a high school with a PTA are more likely to graduate. And the more members in the PTA, the higher the overall graduation rates.

You can only join PTA in-person at an event or at the school.

False! To make it quick and easy, you can join online here.

I can only join a PTA at the beginning of the school year.

False! You can join a PTA anytime! Join today!

PTA membership never expires.

False! You need to join every year. Even though membership generally runs annually July – June, you can join anytime during the year.

You can only be a member of one PTA.

False! There is no limit to the number of PTAs you can support.

PTA is only a social club.

False! PTA is a membership based advocacy association. Local PTAs build community between schools and families. Join to have your voice heard!

All PTA activities must happen at a school or on campus.

False! PTAs can host their meetings, events, programs, etc. anywhere! For example: libraries, community centers, recreation centers, outside, virtually, etc.